Friday, May 14, 2010

LOVE kills

Seems like yesterday,
I was having a little fun with you,
Laughing our heads off of some funny guys,
Enjoying the concert of punk band,
You gave the hint that you're like into me,
Now you're holding another girl's hand,
Now you're leaving me alone in such a cold night,
In a hall of people madly in love,
Now I'm dancing with tears in my eyes,
I'm crying for how idiot I was,
How irresistible you were to me those days,
Come death come,
The only thing that could stop all my sadness,
The blame goes legally to you,
Hello DEATH,
My feet are terribly numb,
You and those people are watching me,
They are trying to stop me from separating my soul from my body,
Your face looks like zombie,
But how come you hurt me?
Now it's raining heavily,
As if it's trying to let me fall easily,
I'll jump,
Jump from all this fears,
Now I'm all over the place,
I could smell my own blood,
And the rain covers my tears,
Goodbye, my love.

Description: Trust me, committing suicide is not that beautiful. Somehow, here, I want to express the other side of the story. We used to hear the story from the general point of view, aren't we? So, I'd love to write about this-commit-suicide-kind-of-poem which consists of the girl-who-commits-suicide side. Got it? It's actually very pathetic how love could influence human to KILL.


TalkingKeyboard said...

This is awesome.
It's dark, meanigful, some of it rhymes and I can really feel the persona's frustration!!!
Love this ♥

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